IBC World Tour Instagram account hacked

As of the morning of 21 October 2021, the official IBC World Tour instagram account was hacked and has since become inactive.

Despite the team’s best efforts to speak to a human being at Instagram, the IBC has been unable to regain access to it’s account.

With no other options available, the IBC has opted to create a new instagram account. It is unfortunate that a new account needs to be created considering the original account had amassed a respectable 13.2K followers in a short amount of time.

What can you do to help?

Firstly, follow the new official IBC World Tour account.

And then share via your posts, reels and stories about the new account so we can once again reach as many bodyboarders all around the world, as quickly as possible. 

The new IBC instagram account details: 


Thank you for your support.